Monday 23 November 2020

The Hunger Strike Project - feeding kids at Christmas in 2020


It's been a while!

But we are re-awakening this blog for our new project, the World From My Corner interview project.

We are in early days but episode 3 has just come up and we want you to find this video because you can buy music to help feed kids in 2020 and beyond. Take a look for more details and please share to help raise awareness.

Thursday 26 June 2014

Making of the album "Digest" - photos and story by Will Pidington

The Mr Keep Calm & The Cancelled Cheques album "Digest" is selling well! Thank you for those who have bought into it and we hope you like it.

Don't forget you can buy it on CD direct from or from gigs or from Jaywalk Guitars in Street, Somerset.

You can also download it from most digital distributors including Amazon, iTunes and Spotify.

Our next show is Glastonbury Festival 2014 with a performance on the Croissant Neuf bandstand at 3.30 on Sunday.

Then we're at FarmFest and The Godney Gathering with more shows in the pipeline including Oxjam Glastonbury 2014.

We are also in the process of creating our website! More news when it comes

The "making of" was documented photographically by Will, studying at Strode College. Have a look at his write up and his photographs at the link below.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Album Launch Imminent!

Well, its been a while coming but the album is launched on the 14th June, Saturday, at The Red Brick Building Glastonbury.

Free entry gets you to see my band Mr Keep Calm & The Cancelled Cheques, plus Minor Works Unit who are also releasing their debut album.

Also, as a special treat, the exhibiting artist Sarah Stanislaus will also be attending from 7.30 and showing guests round her exhibition as well as showing a selection of her pencil drawings AND there will be a one off exhibition from local artists Laura Sorensen.

In the meantime, the album from myself, "Digest" will be on sale at gigs on CD and online at various digital outlets including Amazon, iTunes, Spotify and CD Baby.

Let me know if you get a copy and what songs you like the best.

Bye for now!

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Welcome to my new promotional music video! Filmed in Glastonbury UK

Yes, here it is!

Please enjoy this video shot on location in Glastonbury, Somerset, very near to the festival site, and in the town itself. Filmed by Sarah Stanislaus & Mel Turford and edited by myself (and of course starring too). The music is provided by the band featuring myself on vocals, programming and guitar, James Bennett on lead guitar, Daniel J Shaw on bass and mandolin and Oliver Richens on drums.

This song is a live favourite and ends many of our sets. It's one of our more folky numbers. For more tracks from the album "Digest", released 14th June on CD, iTunes and Amazon, keep in touch here or via social media sites and check out older material on

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Interviewing premier video game actor Adam Howden

Late last year I interviewed Adam Howden who has voiced for Xenoblade Chronicles (Shulk), Fable 3, Dragon Age and more.

I sent him questions, he sent a video back which I edited for the Strode College Gameday. This was held in Strode Theatre and featured a day of talks about working with video games including sessions with Charles Cecil MBE, Dr Simon Scarle and BAFTA nominated Grant Kirkhope.

Here is the link to the first video in the series of 3. I hope it can help future games creators and actors to find work and for gamers to get an insight into their favourite games.

Thanks to Adam Howden for allowing me to post this. Follow him on Twitter at 

Adam Howden Interview 1 of 3 - rest on my channel

You will find some of my other exploits on there including an Oxjam Glastonbury 2013 video slideshow and a re-scored advertisement. I've got a gaming trailer to put up there soon too and a few other bits.

Please keep in touch and comment if you like what you see.


Tuesday 15 April 2014

A practice of a song from my upcoming album. Enjoy!

This song is called Business of the Morning and is one of 11 tracks on my upcoming album. Myself on lead vocals, James Bennett on lead guitar (sorry for the quietness of his part on this track - just a camera recording), Daniel J Shaw on bass and backing vocals and Harry Carpenter on drums. Marc Hughes is taking photos

An unused article for the local press...

Well, as this blog will cover everything I do with sound, music, media, video games, video making etc that its only right I should pop this on here.

In my local area there is a magazine called The Basis and I've submitted an article for it. However, when I did the first one, I also did the one below, but was told they tend not to do retrospective articles. So, in order not to waste anything, and maybe get the event some publicity for spending the time talking to me, here it is in its unpublished form.

If it's not your thing, don't worry as links to my other media related work will be coming soon. 

This piece was just so I had something to give them to see if I was capable of writing stuff. They liked the other one, about the Yeast Scrap Store, so that, I think, is going in. I was practicing as I passed my media degree (2.1 in case your'e wondering) in 2000 and my skills are a little rusty. I've written for the Western Gazette (video game reviews and news) and for Official Playstation, Official Playstation 2 and PC101 magazines in the past as well as a host of website stuff for various people and press releases for my events and my own music. 

I've recently written a piece (25,000 words) on "Are Videogames Art?" which I hope to unleash on the public soon-ish.

Feedback and comments are always appreciated. Thanks!


The first Spring Art Fair was held at the Red Brick Building in Glastonbury on Sunday the 6th April.

Featuring 30 artists traders with a wide range of art disciplines, this was the first of what is hoped will become a regular event. The event was organised by Laura Sorensen and her team of volunteers from the Red Brick Building. She is planning an art show for each season.

The tables were sold to each artist and the proceeds of this will go to building improvements. The relaxed atmosphere saw a steady footfall throughout the day and there was an appreciation of the art, textiles, glasswork and other discplines on display.

Organiser Laura Sorensen spoke about the day.

“We’re very grateful to the artists for supporting the Red Brick Building and its lovely to see all their work. The quality and range is fantastic and its great to see the public chatting about the pieces”

Some exhibitors used the event to advertising courses and take commissions and it provided a great advertising opportunity as well as a chance to sell work and talk to art lovers.

For details on future art events contact: